Septic System

Septic systems come in various sizes and designs, depending on a variety of factors. These include the size of the household, type of soil and landscape, local regulations, and weather conditions. Some of the most common types are gravity systems, mound systems, sand filters, aerobic units, ATU’s (Advanced Treatment Units), pretreatment systems, low-pressure dosing systems, plastic tanks and drip irrigation. Each type of septic system is unique with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.


Common Causes of Drainfield Failure and How to Fix It

Drainfield failure is a common problem that can be caused by clogs, age, overuse, and other issues. Fortunately, many of these problems can be fixed with basic maintenance or repairs. In this article, we’ll discuss how to diagnose and repair your drainfield to get it back in working order. Clogged Drainfield Lines Clogged drainfield lines …

Common Causes of Drainfield Failure and How to Fix It Read More »

men emptying a septic tank

How Often Should I Have My Septic Tank Emptied?

Maintaining a septic tank is crucial for the proper functioning of your home’s wastewater treatment system. Regular maintenance, including septic tank pumping, is essential to prevent costly repairs and potential health hazards. However, many homeowners are unsure about the frequency at which they should have their septic tanks emptied. In this article, we will explore …

How Often Should I Have My Septic Tank Emptied? Read More »

can septic tank be in front of house

Can You Put a Septic Tank in Front of Your House?

Have you ever found yourself nervously pacing the living room, eyes darting toward the front yard, wondering, “Can you put a septic tank in front of your house?” Well, you’re not alone. Your question is more popular than you might think—right up there with “Why do dogs tilt their heads?” and “Who invented the Snuggie?” …

Can You Put a Septic Tank in Front of Your House? Read More »

septic tank issues

The Most Common Septic Tank Issues and How to Resolve Them

If you have a septic tank, you may have encountered any number of issues with it. From drainage problems to costly repairs, septic tanks can be troublesome if not properly maintained. This guide will help you better understand the most common septic tank issues and solutions so that you can easily identify and troubleshoot them …

The Most Common Septic Tank Issues and How to Resolve Them Read More »

septic tank vs cesspool

What’s the Difference Between a Septic Tank and a Cesspool?

Key Takeaways Understanding the Basics: Septic Tanks vs. Cesspools When it comes to managing household waste, homeowners often face a choice between two common options: septic tanks and cesspools. Understanding the fundamental differences between these systems is crucial in making an informed decision that best suits your property and environmental needs. Septic tanks are underground …

What’s the Difference Between a Septic Tank and a Cesspool? Read More »