Gravity Septic Systems
Orenco Gravity septic systems rely on the natural flow of wastewater to transport effluent away from the tank and into the drainfield. The quality of your system largely depends on the tank itself as it can remove up to 2/3 of contaminants present in wastewater. The tank should be properly sized, watertight, and structurally sound; otherwise, it could cause leaks that pollute your ground or yard and affect the groundwater. Additionally, access risers with bolted lids must be installed above grade so service providers can check sludge and scum levels inside without digging into your tank. An effluent filter is also necessary for gravity systems as it removes large debris from wastewater before it passes into the drainfield, safeguarding your investment by prolonging its life span.
Advanced Treatment Systems

Orenco’s AdvanTex® Treatment Systems
Orenco’s AdvanTex® Treatment Systems are a great, eco-friendly way to treat residential wastewater. Perfect for difficult soils, small sites as well as system upgrades and repairs, these systems offer a multitude of features. They process and discharge small amounts of treated wastewater on a constant basis, making sure that sudden surges don’t overwhelm the system. Plus, with their high level of treatment technology, the effluent released is so clean that it can even be reused in sub-surface irrigation (dependent on local regulations), or discharged in shallow trenches!
AdvanTex AX20
The AdvanTex AX20 Treatment System has several advantages over other wastewater treatments. Firstly, it requires very little space, and, in some jurisdictions, this can result in a smaller drainfield size. Secondly, the upfront cost of installing the AdvanTex system may be higher than other advanced treatment systems, but this is balanced out by its low maintenance costs, saving both time and money in the long run.
Moreover, they are incredibly efficient and protect public health and the environment.
AdvanTex AX-RT
Orenco’s AdvanTex AX-RT Wastewater Treatment System is designed for residential use and is the newest generation of wastewater treatment systems from their AdvanTex line. This plug and play system is easy to install, making it ideal for contractors with tight schedules. Not only that, but because of its compact design and ease of burial, property owners can get high quality wastewater treatment at a competitive price. The AdvanTex AX-RT reduces costs associated with excavation, installation, and maintenance which makes it a great choice for small lots.
Orenco UV (Ultraviolet) Disinfection Unit
The Orenco UV Disinfection Unit is a reliable and easy-to-maintain ultraviolet (UV) disinfection unit that is specially designed to reduce bacteria, such as e.coli, and viruses in households with wastewater treatment systems. This UL-recognized device has an impressive 99.999% (5 logs*) kill rate for bacteria and viruses, making it a dependable choice for Orenco AdvanTex® Treatment Systems customers who need effective disinfection of their wastewater effluent. The Orenco UV Disinfection Unit provides excellent protection from bacteria and viruses, making it the perfect addition to both residential and small commercial AdvanTex Treatment Systems.
Pumping Systems
In a pumping system, wastewater is pumped from the septic tank to an additional treatment unit or drainfield. Orenco’s pump vault has a patented Biotube filter that removes around two-thirds of suspended solids, resulting in fewer clogged drainfields and extending the life of the system. Orenco’s ProPak™ and EasyPak™ pump packages are designed for residential onsite applications and are made with corrosion-resistant materials such as stainless steel, thermoplastics, and fiberglass. Moreover, their control panel delivers effluent to the drainfield or additional treatment unit in small amounts all day which improves system performance.
ProPak™ Pump Packages
Orenco’s ProPak™ Pump Packages are the perfect solution for any single-tank wastewater treatment system. Our packages feature an economical and compact design, eliminating the need for a second tank. Each package includes either one or two turbine effluent pumps, discharge assemblies, a Biotube filter cartridge, a float switch assembly, and a float stem bracket. These packages use sophisticated float switches or programmable timers to control the pumping process and dose incremental amounts of effluent from the storage tank.
EasyPak™ Pump Packages
The EasyPak™ Pump Package from Orenco is an onsite industry breakthrough for installation in pump tanks following a septic tank. It is a low-profile package made to replace improvised “pump on a block” set-ups, which often result in heavy, low-head pumps that are hard to service and lack proper filtration.
The EasyPak includes a lightweight, high-performing turbine pump surrounded by Biotube filter cartridges for reliable protection against objectionable solids entering the drainfield. Additionally, it is easy to maintain and can be installed at nearly the bottom of the tank.