man looking down toilet holding a plunger

Signs of Septic Tank Damage You Shouldn’t Ignore

In order to effectively manage the wastewater leaving our homes or places of employment, septic tanks are essential.

Although they are typically made to survive for many years, when they do not receive adequate care, they could begin to have issues.

Unfortunately, most homeowners discover septic tank damage when it’s too late, which can have disastrous results.

Here, we’ve shared common signs of septic tank damage.

Key Takeaways:

  • Regular maintenance of septic tanks is crucial to ensure optimal performance and prevent serious problems.
  • Common signs of septic tank damage include foul odors, slow drains, sewage backup, lush grass, or patches of moisture in the yard, and gurgling sounds from drains or toilets.
  • Causes of septic tank damage include lack of maintenance, overuse of the system, pouring chemicals down the drain, and tree roots infiltrating the pipes.
  • To prevent septic tank damage, regular maintenance, water conservation, proper waste disposal, and planting trees away from the septic system are recommended.

Importance of regular septic tank maintenance

Before we dive into the signs of septic tank damage, it’s important to understand why regular maintenance is crucial.

Septic tanks are designed to last for decades, but they require regular maintenance to ensure their optimal performance.

The frequency of maintenance depends on several factors, such as the size of the tank, the number of occupants, and the amount of wastewater produced.

Typically, septic tanks should be pumped every three to five years.

Regular maintenance can help prevent serious problems and prolong the lifespan of your septic tank.

Moreover, regular maintenance can help you detect minor issues before they turn into major problems.

A professional septic tank service provider can inspect your septic tank and identify any potential issues such as leaks, cracks, or blockages.

They can also check the level of scum and sludge in the tank and pump it if necessary.

Regular maintenance can save you from costly repairs and prevent environmental contamination.

Common signs of septic tank damage

Now, let’s look at the common signs of septic tank damage that you shouldn’t ignore.

Foul Odors

One of the most obvious signs of septic tank damage is a foul odor.

If you notice a strong sewage smell in or around your property, it’s a sign that your septic tank is not functioning properly.

The smell can be caused by a leak or a blockage in the tank.

Moreover, if you notice the smell is stronger near your drain field, it could indicate that the field is saturated and cannot absorb the wastewater anymore.

Ignoring foul odors can lead to severe damage to your septic system, and even health hazards.

Sewage contains harmful bacteria that can cause diseases and infections. Therefore, it’s essential to call a professional septic tank service provider immediately if you notice a foul odor.

man pinching his nose because of a foul odor

Slow Drains

Another sign of septic tank damage is slow drains. If your sinks, toilets, or showers are draining slowly, it’s a sign that there’s a blockage in your pipes or septic tank.

The blockage can be caused by scum and sludge buildup in the tank or clogged pipes.

Ignoring slow drains can lead to backups and eventually cause damage to your septic tank and pipes.

Moreover, slow drains can be a sign of other plumbing issues that need to be addressed promptly.

Sewage Backup

Sewage backup is a severe sign of septic tank damage that you shouldn’t ignore.

If the wastewater from your septic tank is backing up into your home or yard, it’s a sign that your septic system is failing.

The backup can cause significant damage to your property and pose health hazards.

Sewage backup can be caused by several factors such as a full septic tank, a clogged drain field, or damaged pipes.

It’s crucial to call a professional septic tank service provider immediately if you notice sewage backup.

Lush Grass or Patches of Moisture

If you notice unusually lush grass or patches of moisture in your yard, it could be a sign of septic tank damage.

The moisture can be caused by a leak in your septic tank, which can cause the grass to grow faster than other areas in your yard.

Ignoring this sign can lead to further damage to your septic system, soil contamination, and a foul odor.

 It’s essential to call a professional septic tank service provider to inspect your septic system and fix any leaks.

Gurgling Sounds

Finally, gurgling sounds coming from your drains or toilets can be a sign of septic tank damage.

The gurgling sound is caused by air bubbles that are trapped in your pipes. The air bubbles can be caused by a blockage or a leak in your septic tank.

Ignoring gurgling sounds can lead to further damage to your septic system and eventually cause backups and sewage overflow.

Causes of septic tank damage

Now that we’ve discussed the signs of septic tank damage, let’s look at the causes. Several factors can contribute to septic tank damage, such as:

Lack of maintenance

Lack of regular maintenance is one of the leading causes of septic tank damage. Without proper maintenance, scum and sludge can build up in the tank, causing blockages and leaks.


Overuse of the septic system can also cause damage to the tank and pipes. If you have too many occupants or use too much water, it can overload the tank and cause backups.


Pouring chemicals down the drain can also damage your septic system. Harsh chemicals can kill the beneficial bacteria in the tank, which helps break down the waste.

Tree roots

Tree roots can also damage your septic system by infiltrating the pipes and causing blockages.

exposed tree roots

How to prevent septic tank damage

Preventing septic tank damage is easier than fixing it. Here are some tips to prevent septic tank damage:

Regular maintenance

Regular maintenance is crucial to prevent septic tank damage. Have your septic tank inspected and pumped every three to five years by a professional septic tank service provider.

Water conservation

Water conservation can also prevent septic tank damage. Fix any leaks and install low-flow fixtures to reduce water usage.

Proper disposal of waste

Proper disposal of waste is essential to prevent septic tank damage. Don’t pour chemicals, grease, or solid waste down the drain.

Plant trees away from the septic system

Plant trees away from the septic system to prevent root infiltration.

Septic tank repair and replacement

If your septic tank is damaged, it’s crucial to call a professional septic tank service provider immediately. 

They can inspect your septic system and recommend repair or replacement options. 

Ignoring septic tank damage can lead to costly repairs and environmental contamination.

plumber getting sprayed by water while making repairs

Final Thoughts

Septic tanks are an essential part of any property that is not connected to the public sewer system.

They require regular maintenance to ensure their optimal performance and prevent damage.

By knowing the signs of septic tank damage and taking timely action, you can protect your property and avoid costly repairs.

Remember to call a professional septic tank service provider immediately if you notice any signs of septic tank damage.

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