How to Properly Clean Your RV Sewer Holding Tank
If you’re planning to go on an RV trip, it’s important to learn all about the different types of holding tanks. These tanks are an essential part of the RVing lifestyle. They help to separate the clean water from the waste. Eventually, these holding tanks will need to be emptied.
Most RVs come with an onboard sensor system. This means that the tank level can be checked, and you’ll know when to empty it. There are also traditional tank sensors that are mounted along the sidewall of the tank. Some older models may not have a sensor.
Another important consideration is venting. Proper venting is important for odor control. Without it, your holding tank will drain slowly, and odors will collect. Incorrect venting can cause bacteria to build up and spread.
Several types of vent caps are available. The best ones are eco-friendly and will effectively filter out odors from your holding tank. Fortunately, they’re much less expensive than a tank cleaner.
Some brands of products are made with UV-safe materials. Other brands use weatherproof materials. However, they all do the same thing. Their goal is to get rid of odors and break up clogs. That’s why they are so effective.
A good RV sewer holding tank digester can help speed up the breakdown of waste. It’s also a great way to sanitize your holding tank. Many of these products contain beneficial bacteria and enzymes that break down odor-causing compounds.
Whether you have a black or gray water tank, you’ll need to pump out the waste periodically. You can also clean up the inside of the tank using a waste treatment product. For example, Unique Natural Products’ RV Digest-It is a natural, aerobic blend of bacteria that breaks down waste.
Once you’re ready to dump out the contents of your RV holding tank, make sure you do it correctly. Some campgrounds and parks will have dumping areas. Others will charge a service fee. Be sure to check the regulations before going out on your RVing trip.
Depending on where you’re camping, you can also buy chemical additives for your waste tanks. These include Bio-Pak. Bio-Pak is an easy-to-use, safe, and natural septic tank treatment. Unlike other sanitation products, Bio-Pak doesn’t require special toilet paper. It can treat up to 40 gallons of waste.
When a tank needs cleaning, a household bleach solution is usually sufficient. Make a solution of about 15 gallons of water and a few drops of bleach. To ensure that the contents of your tank are completely clean, run the solution through a sink for a few minutes. Alternatively, you can also use a tank cleaning kit.
Finally, it’s important to be sure your sinks and sink lines are properly venting. Improper venting can lead to sinks and sink lines draining improperly. Therefore, it’s important to have a sewer hose attached to your black or gray water tank before you begin to empty it.
No matter what kind of RV you’re traveling in, you’ll need to get rid of your waste. In most states, you’ll be required to fill up and dump your waste tank.