septic tank baffle

Homebuyer’s Guide to Septic Systems

Are you wondering if your new home has a septic system?

It may be more likely if you are on well water, the water line that goes into your home has no meter, your neighbors have a septic system, or you live in a rural area. To find out for sure, you can look at the “as built” drawing of your homes septic system from your local health department records. You can also look for inspection caps, lids, or manhole covers in your yard; work with a septic system service provider; or ask the seller or realtor.

How does a septic system work?

A septic system is designed to contain wastewater from your home, allowing it to separate and settle. The water then flows into a buried, water-tight container called the septic tank. In the tank, solids will sink to the bottom (sludge) and fats, oil and grease will rise to the top (scum). For a typical septic system, liquid wastewater out of the tank is spread evenly over the drainfield through a distribution box. To make sure your septic system is functioning properly, you should regularly maintain it and inspect it for any signs of damage or issues.

How can I be sure that my septic system is working correctly?

Before making a major financial investment such as purchasing a home, you want to ensure that it is in good condition. To make sure that your septic system is functioning properly, have it inspected by an experienced septic system service provider. Compliance inspections with local or state government regulations, or even mortgage lenders may be necessary. Proper inspection results can give you more insight and help you decide if the house is truly the right one for you.

What should happen during a septic system inspection?

During a septic system inspection, the inspector will examine several different aspects of the system. Maintenance and pumping records will be examined along with the age of the septic system. The sludge levels and scum thickness in the tank, signs of leakage such as low water levels, and signs of backup like staining above the outlet pipe will all be inspected. In addition, they will check the integrity of the tank, inlet, and outlet pipes, as well as checking for standing water or other irregularities in the distribution box or drainfield that could indicate a system failure. Finally, available records will be checked to ensure that the septic system complies with local regulations.

What can I do to help maintain my system every day?

Proper maintenance of your septic system is essential for extending its lifespan and keeping it in good working condition. To help maintain your system on a daily basis: think before you put anything into the toilet or sink that could clog or harm the microorganisms that treat wastewater, be mindful of how much water you use and its impact on the septic system, do not drive or keep heavy objects over the drain fields, minimize garbage disposal usage to prevent fats, grease, and solids from entering the septic system, plant trees away from the drainfields since their roots can cause damage and disruption, and prevent excess water from irrigation or rainfall from entering the drainfields. For more information on proper maintenance of your septic system, please visit

What can I do to maintain my septic system?

To help maintain your septic system, regularly have it inspected by a service provider. As they can tell you more accurately, the tank should usually be pumped every three to five years. This preventive maintenance will ultimately save you money in the long-run, as regular upkeep extends the life of your system. In addition to having your system pumped and inspected, other minor maintenance steps that can be taken include ensuring that tree roots don’t invade and damage the pipes, avoiding putting harsh chemicals down drains or toilets, and reducing water usage where possible.

What are the costs associated with septic system maintenance?

Generally, an inspection is needed every three to five years, and should be pumped out when necessary. On average, nationwide service costs is anywhere from $250 to $500. Compared to an expensive repair or complete system replacement though, which can range from thousands up to tens of thousands of dollars, these preventative maintenance costs are much more affordable. For an area and needs-specific cost estimate and further information regarding frequency of service and pumping out the septic system, seek help from a local septic system specialist.

Are you wondering how to tell if your septic is not working properly?

Look out for a few signs that might indicate something amiss. These include wastewater backing up or gurgling into household drains, a pungent smell coming from near the tank or drainfield, and bright green patches forming in the grass of the drainfield area. If any of these signs are present, it’s important to call a professional right away to check if maintenance is needed – this could save you thousands of dollars! With proper care, your septic system can last you many years. So, remember to be SepticSmart through regular maintenance and checkups!

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